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Michigan_90 from Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. Source:

Project Update!

We’re close to being able to reveal our calendar for the Summer 2016 Making in Michigan Libraries road trip — just a few more phone calls! Then, our hosts and I will be crafting custom workshops for each of our eight sites so we can highlight the great working happening around our state. It’s going to take some time to pull together, but trust me, it’s going to be worth it!

To hear some of what our conversations with host librarians are revealing, hop over to MakerBridge!

Call for host library proposals!

The University of Michigan has received funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to bring maker education to all areas of Michigan for libraries, community groups, educators, civic leaders, and more. Libraries of all stripes will be the hubs for this professional learning.
We’re seeking 8 host library sites around Michigan (we’ll host a 9th in Ann Arbor) to help us recruit and host these three-day events in Summer 2016 (with more workshops coming in 2017).
2016 host libraries receive:
  • a public maker event organized by U-M project staff
  • a $500 stipend
We are especially eager to work with libraries in rural areas and would love to find two sites in the UP.
If your library itself lacks meeting space, but you have a community partner (like a local school) who could host the events, that’s fine.
Having done maker education work around the U.S. and in China, Australia, India, and Italy, we’re excited about being right here in our Michigan home, helping libraries and their communities think about how making can help spurn creative thinking, innovation, or just delight.
Relevant links:

Let’s get started!

Celebration by bfick, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  bfick 


Yesterday, we were delighted to learn that the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded our proposal, Making in Michigan Libraries, a three-year grant to promote maker learning and productivity in underserved areas of Michigan. They summarized our project like this:

The University of Michigan School of Information will develop a multi-step approach to developing maker culture in Michigan libraries in underserved communities. This will include a statewide “road trip” to share knowledge of making, maker culture, infrastructure, tools, and community building with rural libraries and their communities, as well as closer partnering with two libraries for the purpose of engaging them in making on a more sustained level. The school will share its findings in an online maker handbook and in a free virtual conference at the project’s conclusion.

We’re very excited to get started in the coming days, planning for face-to-face professional development throughout Michigan in Summers 2016 and 2017. We’ll be looking for libraries to be host partners, colleagues who want to help spread maker culture throughout Michigan communities, and future makers to work with!

If you’d like to know more about our project, feel free to drop us a line (our email addresses are below) or sign up for our email list to find out when we have events or new resources to share.

– Kristin Fontichiaro and Silvia Lindtner, Co-Principal Investigators

font [at] umich [dot] edu

lindtner [at] umich [dot] edu


Logo for the Institute of Museum and Library Services Logo for the University of Michigan School of Information

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, grant RE-05-15-0021-15.

Some materials (c) Regents of the University of Michigan. All materials are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license terms unless otherwise stated.